A Living Blueprint is a revolutionary tool that can guide you out of stress and confusion toward living your potential and gaining traction toward creating the life YOU want to live.

#1 International Best Seller

This remarkable achievement celebrates Wendy Beth’s mastery of storytelling and her acclaim on the global stage. Dive into the narrative behind her bestseller triumph by exploring the curated links to prestigious media features below. Each click below unfolds a chapter of excellence, designed to inspire and captivate readers at every turn.



Your Soul Guide, Speaker, and #1 International Bestselling author of the book 'Living Blueprint - A True Story'.

As a Soul Guide, I am here to be your compassionate mentor, helping you navigate the complexities of life. I believe in the power of your Living Blueprint, a personal compass that guides you towards peace and potential amidst the challenges of everyday life.

My mission is to empower you to embrace your inner strength.


​This guide provides practical, actionable steps for embracing mindfulness, helping you pause, reflect, and transform your daily experiences.



Hands-On Help

In our one-on-one sessions, I offer a safe space for you to embrace who you are and own what you want. Together, we'll find clarity and supportive insights, tailored specifically to your unique journey.

Coaching Packages

Learn my proven strategies and overcome obstacles like loneliness, feeling depleted, self-harm, and create a joy-filled life! I will work WITH YOU: mentoring , guiding and celebrating YOU moving towards your dream!

Living Blueprint for Moms & Caregivers

Watch my free mini training to bounce back from the mom grind, beat burnout and build a life you love in just 12 weeks!

Coaching that transcends your rational and material mind, enabling you a playfulness to explore your deep human experience.

Holding a ‘mirror to the soul’ we create a reflective, contemplative space that opens up your own personal realm of wisdom rather than knowledge.

During our time together, something beautiful happens in the space we create together. The truth speaks itself into the space, often surprising both of us.

Live in Love

Life is a constant challenge for all of us. Unfulfilled expectations, immense responsibilities, confusion in our beliefs, domestic or societal violence, financial struggles, mental or physical illness, natural calamities, and the choices we make, both by ourselves and those around us, devoid of love, all wreak havoc in our personal lives and societies. It can become overwhelming for many of us.

However, deep within each of us resides a unique Living Blueprint, a compass of sorts. When tapped into and utilized, it can help us navigate between the things we cannot change and everything else that lies within our control. Once actualized, this Blueprint serves as an antidote to suffering, able to intercept destructive thoughts, foster personal safety, heal trauma, minimize distractions, redirect our decisions, and unlock our untapped potential, despite the odds.

Are you struggling to find peace? Do you or someone you know find it difficult to move forward after experiencing traumatic events or facing life's obstacles? Have you personally witnessed or supported someone through a crisis or a suicidal episode? Are bad days outnumbering the good ones for you or someone close to you? If you answered yes to any of these questions, please know that you are not alone, and your loved one isn't either.


What They Say

“I love it. I'm captivated by your story and it's a rollercoaster. When you asked me to read, you didn't know that these last couple of years were the hardest in my life. You didn't know that about 18 months ago I tried to take my own life. Thank you, with all my heart, for sharing your story. It's been healing already. Your story is unimpeachable.”

Amelia D

“From day one of the 40 Activities Journey, I began thinking it was a little too easy, but as I continued, I'm grateful you started slow. From pinpointing who I am and what makes me who I am; finding my true self in my integrity…it's been a blessing going through this whole process… it's almost like God had a hand in you choosing me to be part of this journey.”

Jane B

"My favorite part of the Living Blueprint journey has been discovering new tools that I can use for self care and achieving my absolute "BEST". The “ 3 Words” have been very powerful. It's only been a week since I discovered them but in one week I am making connections from my thoughts and feelings and decisions to my three words. It's incredible. I have a new weapon to use against my demons.”

Jill T


I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to reach out if you have questions about coaching programs or how I can help you.

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Clients Needs And Goals

Empower your authentic self with our personalized guides and supportive community, driving transformative growth and meaningful change.

~ Wendy Beth

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